Studies by Scientists, Violinmakers, and Musicians
Plowden Guarneri 1735 ~ Willemotte Stradivari 1734 ~ Titian Stradivari 1715
In September 2006, leading scientists and violinmakers brought three great Cremonese violins to an acoustics lab for the first-ever 3D laser vibration scans of violins, plus CT Scans and analysis. Adding empirical expertise, photos, measurements, and music performance, the project became a unified inquiry of unprecedented scope.
Acoustic research continues to develop, but this project remains a deep and useful resource, available again in this updated edition, with support from the VSA Oberlin Violin Acoustics Workshop and CAS Forum.
Sam Zygmuntowicz: Violinmaker, Creative Director . . . . Dr. George Bissinger: Acoustic Research Director